Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas decorations

Christmas is a time of tradition.  Watching the Snowman, making biscuits for the tree, shouting "oh no it isn't" at the panto; we all have our own.  A few years ago I started a new tradition of my own of making felt Christmas tree decorations for family and friends.  It's the perfect Christmas project - planning and making the decorations gets me in a festive mood, I love how pleased everyone seems to be when I give them their decoration and I get to do some sewing.

Over the past few years I've made hearts, robins and stars (very tricky).  This year was the turn of the Christmas pudding, adorned with holly leaves and buttons for berries.  They are simple to make, so I thought I would share.

You will need the following templates:

My pudding template measured 4"x 3" approx, but you can obviously size yours as you wish.
To make the decoration you will also need felt in brown, white and green, ribbon, buttons, stuffing and thread.
* Cut out two of the pudding and sauce pieces in the brown and white felt.
* Sew the white felt pieces (for the sauce) to the brown felt pieces.
* Place the two brown pieces together (wrong sides together).  Take a strip of ribbon (I find 8" is a good length for hanging on a tree), form a loop and insert the ends between the two pieces of brown felt.
* Sew around the edges of the brown felt pieces, leaving a small gap at the bottom (for the stuffing).
* Cut out four holly leaves from the green felt.  Position two of these on either side of the ribbon at the top of the pudding.  The ends of the leaves should slightly overlap.  Take your buttons and place over the ends of the leaves on both sides.  By hand, sew through from one button to the other, being sure to sew through the holly leaves and the pudding to secure all the pieces together.  You'll want to go over this a couple of times at leas.
* You're nearly done.  All you need to do is add stuffing and sew up the gap.  And you're done!  One pretty little Christmas pudding to hang on the tree.

These little puddings are not about perfection.  Their charm is that they look handmade.  So never mind any wonky edges.  Making something to give to people you care about brings a pleasure like no other.  And after all, giving is what this season is all about.

Merry Christmas!

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